THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, and the reorganization of society
Judaïsme - Franc-Maçonnerie

THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, and the reorganization of society

The learned and holy Irish priest, Dr Denis Fahey, devoted his life to promoting the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King. In this book, he outlines and explains God's plan for order in the world and how we must strive for its realisation.  Exposes the program of Christ pursued by the Church and the counter-program of Satan fostered by the secret forces of subversion.  Necessary for a true understanding of contemporary politics.

32,00 €
32,00 €
ISBN : 2-84519-265-7
Nombre de pages : 613
Format : 19x13.5
Type d'édition : Fac-simile
Langue : Anglais
Etat : Neuf

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