
FOUR YEARS WITH FRANCIS: enough is enough!

Continuation of the work of the same author: THREE YEARS WITH FRANCIS - The Bergoglian deceit, published in September 2016.

Four years into his pontificate and the work of devastation perpetrated by Francis is beyond imagination: the need for an “ecological conversion”; the call to pardon “gays” for having been “discriminated against” by the Church; the building of a “new humanity” through a “culture of encounter”; the Church and Synagogue have “equal dignity”; Luther was not mistaken on the doctrine of justification; Catholic States are incompatible with the sense of “History”; God used evolution and he is not a “magician”; Christian marriage is only an “ideal”; the Church in the past has had “inhumane behavior” but since Vatican II she has learned “respect” for other religions. The list is endless. This study does not intend to be exhaustive (but how could it be without being the size of an encyclopedia?). It has only the modest objective of reviewing in summary the main aberrations and ravages achieved by this man who is idolized by the media and adulated by all the enemies of the Church. The iniquities of this pontificate are of such magnitude and indecency that one can not refrain from saying with the psalmist: “Lift up thyself, thou that judgest the earth: render a reward to the proud. How long shall sinners, O Lord: how long shall sinners glory? Shall they utter, and speak iniquity: shall all speak who work injustice?” (Ps. 94, 2-4) Beware, Francis, because enough is enough...

The author, an Argentinian and a former seminarian from the 1980's, holds a degree in Language Sciences and a Master in Philosophy, devoted to the work of St. Thomas Aquinas. Now resident in France for several years, he is a secondary school teacher of Latin and Spanish.

19,00 €
19,00 €
ISBN : 2-8162-0390-5
Nombre de pages : 234 (1 volume)
Format : 14,5x20,5
Type d'édition : Edition originale
Langue : Anglais
Etat : Neuf

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